A Mother’s Day Prayer

This has been a trying time.  Zack, my husband Jeremy’s son, died April 30th at the young age of 26 due to cancer.  He leaves behind a loving wife and three small children.  During the days and hours at his bedside, we were able to gather and say goodbye.  We are confident that Zach is with Jesus today.

On the heels of deep grief came a vicious flu migrating through the family.  I can’t imagine what we would have done without the prayers of the saints.

Mother’s Day was a fog for me as I was fighting to breathe.  Yesterday, was a bit better.  Somewhere, deep inside a thought flickered about a Mother’s Day blessing/declaration from Proverbs 31.

Here it is. 

A Mother’s Day Prayer of Declaration from Proverbs 31

Father God in Heaven, thank You for making me your daughter, a woman chasing hard after You.

Thank You for blessing me with every inherited blessing that you blessed Jesus with as He took His seat next to Your throne.

Thank you for making me a woman of bravery and courage, for my worth is far above any earthly treasure.

Thank you for giving me a heart that my husband can safely trust in so that he will not have any lack of gain in his life: physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

Thank you for making me a gift from You to my husband that blesses him all the days of my life.

Thank you for making me a creative daughter who searches out words and ideas that have never seen light or taken breath.  You have made me creative like You, Abba!

I choose to not be frustrated with my gifts, but to willingly offer them up to You as a fruitful sacrifice, lifted with the pleasant aroma of Thanksgiving.

I am like the merchant ships from afar.  Instead of merchandise, I bring glorious gifts from Heaven to Earth through my time spent with You.

You wake me to the early morning hours while everyone is in deep sleep to bring harvest from Heaven.  I write emails and speak encouragement into the lives of those around me with what You provide.

I consider with You how I invest my money, time, and emotions.  You are Wisdom.  You are Foresight.

Together, we plant seeds in rich soil, tend with living water, pull weeds of deception and bitterness, and bring in an abundant spiritual harvest.  In the increase, we find more seeds for planting.

My garden is Your garden.  I delight to collaborate with You in Your desires.  We meet in the cool of the day to walk and talk and dream and plan.

I must be strong for the work You have for me.  I push my body, mind and spirit for endurance and the bearing of great responsibilities.  I enjoy our collaboration as I train to prepare for new experiences. 

All that You are bringing through my life is good because You are good.  I step back to look at it and see that it is more than I ever imagined or dreamed possible.

My hands are ever full.  You hold me, Father, and all that I hold, I release to you.

I will not be afraid no matter what is happening around me.  Jesus, I see Your very blood covering me, my household and those I love.

I don’t pour myself out to others, without first receiving my daily bread from You. I cover myself with Your thoughts for me.  I am confident in this and clothe my mind with who You say I am.  I cloth my heart in promises and fill my spirit with truth before going into the marketplace.

My husband is known about town because I am his wife.  The people see me thrive under his love and leadership and know that he is blessed in return because of me.  We are an example of the healed breach between men and women, God and humankind.  We are Your Ambassadors of Reconciliation, a living bridge, to the division.  We are Your light to a world that claws frantically in the dark.

I will seek to grow in knowledge, so I have plenty to share with others. 

I will learn how to increase our household finances through saving, investing, and creating profit with my artwork.  I will teach others to do the same when they ask and tell them about You, Father.  My desire is the same as Jesus’s -- to make You known.  Let every good thing that comes through me, bring others to You, Father.

I rejoice in You my Strength, my Shield, my Love, my Life.  You are behind me, with me and before me. I am never alone.

Fill my mouth with Your words of Wisdom and Kindness.  Give me Your heart so I will have the deep well from where true Wisdom and Kindness will pour forth.

Cause me to rest when I need to rest, but not be caught up in ungodly diversions like YouTube and Netflix. 

I know it is good for my children to honor their parents.  It does feel nice when I receive acclamation for my efforts, such as Mother’s Day.  Thank you, Father, for children who, although busy, choose to love me with remembrances.

Even in the pleasure of this, I choose this day to free my emotions from the entangling need for approval from humankind.  Father, my deepest desire is to hear Your words of “Well done, good and faithful daughter.  I have seen your efforts and take note of your desire to please Me and make Me famous.”.

In the mirror, I see laugh lines around my eyes and silver threads through my hair. The things that the world thinks are important are passing away from my grasp. I will not chase after them, Father.  I will follow hard after You with the days I have left.  I will be known as a woman who deeply respects and loves the Lord.

Father, I ask that you keep the fruit of my efforts in Your storehouses for generations. Forever prosper me, my family, and friends, in You.

…in Your Kingdom.  …in Your ways

because I was here as Your habitation.

Forever and ever Your daughter,



The Mystery of God’s Ways


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