
And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death.
Revelation 12:11

The word ‘collaboration’ has been on my heart this past week.  There are two definitions, the first of which I will discuss now:

1.     The action of working with someone to produce or create something

I’ve talked before about the words of our mouth and how important they are.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
Proverbs 18:21

Your story (testimony) of what Jesus has done in your life is powerful!  You can preach to an unbeliever about the Bible and they will debate you until the cows come home, But your testimony is yours.  It belongs to you, and no one can take it away.

In John 4 we see a rejected woman of Samaria talking with Jesus.  She runs back to the town to tell the people ‘He told me everything I ever did!  Could this be the Messiah?”

Her testimony opened the door for them to invite Jesus to teach for a couple of days.   

And because of his words many more became believers.

They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” John 4:41-42

Let’s look at the first part of Revelation 12:11 again,

And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, …

We collaborate with Jesus when we speak our testimony. It defeats Satan. 

Let me say this again, slightly different. Our testimony, mingled with the blood of the Lamb, produces heavenly victory.

But the opposite is also true when it comes to our silence.

The Blood of the Lamb mingled with our silence, allows Satan to have victory in the earth.

Dear Flock, we are at war.  Lambs are rising to be Lions.  It is time to open our mouths and allow the Lion of Judah to roar through us.  There is much going on in our world (political arena) that is good and so much that is wrong.

Open your mouth and tell your story. 

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade (the 1973 ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion) on June 24, 2022, I wanted to say something on social media, anything.  But I did not for two days.  As the owner of a photography studio, I have a diverse group of followers. 

I didn’t just jump in the fray to say what I thought, felt, believed. I needed to wait on the Lord for His words to present themselves. 

I needed to speak Jesus.

Song by Charity Gayle – I Speak Jesus

On the 3rd day, it burned in me to tell my testimony.  Here’s what I posted:

I will share my own personal testimony regarding abortion.

I was 26 with two children under the age of five. I was reluctant to tell anyone else that abortion was wrong because I didn’t know what I believed. Who am I to tell anyone else what to think?

It was about that time that I met a woman working at a crisis pregnancy center. She invited me to volunteer and help with the clothing room where they gave free maternity clothes and baby items, including diapers.

On the first visit, I grabbed a brochure.

That night I asked my police officer husband what he thought about my volunteering to help. He took the brochure and put it in his uniform back pocket and told me he’d let me know the next morning.

He returned with a story.

One of his calls that night was a woman threatening to commit suicide. He arrived at the apartment to find that the utilities were off. She was sobbing on the kitchen floor. Her story was all too common. Her boyfriend and family said that if she didn’t get an abortion, they wouldn’t pay her utilities. They are the ones who called to say that she was threatening suicide. She was not. She was just afraid.

My husband handed her the brochure in his back pocket and told her the crisis center could help.

I volunteered there for many years. If a pregnant girl or woman needed a place to live, one was provided. If they needed formula or diapers, it was provided. Jobs, education, parenting training – it was all provided.

My sister volunteered there for a time, assisting a single woman who decided after the birth she wasn’t ready to raise a child and needed to give her baby for adoption. This baby is now my talented, handsome, cross-country running, high school nephew.

I was told in my college level Biology class last year that science needed to harvest stem cells from aborted babies because it was a cheapest and most convenient way to get them. No more feeding a buyers’ market for baby parts through abortion clinics.

We must find another way.

I have worked with women who have had abortions in the past. Jesus knows your pain and wants to heal your heart.

Today, I’m babysitting a 9-month baby while her single mom is attending nursing school. It is a small part for the vast problem our country faces, but it is something. If you are a single mom in Missouri and want to go to nursing school, I know of a program that will pay for your fees.

Message me. I’m here and want to help.

I don't need likes or dislikes on this post. Your opinion won't change my heart or my care for you.


This is Ivy, who is staying with me so her mama can go to school.

I tell you this, not so I can appear righteous, but so you can see what a personal testimony looks like. There were 69 agreements to my post and 7 shares to other people’s pages. Nobody has argued with me about my story. Nobody has contacted me for scholarship information. The readers know I disagree with abortive death being a solution (or option) to an inconvenient baby. Those who disagree with me know that they are loved, and help is here.

We need to build bridges and not walls. 
To bridge the heart is to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is uncomfortable. 
Vulnerability is naked.

When you attend a Freedom Fighter orientation or a weekend Men/Women’s Encounter conference, you will hear vulnerable testimonies. I personally know for a fact that people who tell their stories labor with fastings, sweat and tears to be able to get in front of people and do so. 

This is how connection is built.  This is how we lay down our own lives for Jesus, Who laid His life down for us before we knew Him or wanted Him.

It will take practice.  I thought I was shy for 50 years.  These weekly emails have been my personal Vulnerability Boot Camp. 

Jesus said,

If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily,
and follow Me.
Luke 9:23

Daily, deny yourself.
Daily, carry your cross.
Daily, follow Him.

My personal testimony came out in print through Amazon last week.  So far 44 copies have been purchased.  I asked the Lord what the purpose of this little book was.  He showed me a grenade in hand with the pin pulled out and thrown.  Walls of hard hearts are being blown out all over the world.  Yes, and Amen!!  You can find it here: I Was Deceived by Janene Rothwell


Creation Waits on You


We are Custodians