Kingdom Representatives

Paul said that as Christ Followers, we are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. (2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 6:20) 

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of passing over Scripture without digging in.  It’s time for me to study the concept of Ambassadorship.  I found the following:

1.    Ambassadors are the top political representatives of one country in another country and have a broad set of social and political responsibilities. (Find article here.)  If the relationship between two countries is positive, the ambassador will participate in many social and political events.  If the relationship between two countries is difficult, the ambassador will have limited administrative duties.

As an Ambassador of Christ, I have social and political responsibilities. I must participate where He sends me.

2.    Each country grants its ambassadors a list of powers to employ. When a new ambassador arrives at a foreign country, he/she will present credentials.  These credentials will spell out the legal powers granted to this specific ambassador.

As an Ambassador of Christ, I am granted a list of power to employ. I find these credentials spelled out in God’s Word. (Read slowly the books of Ephesians and Colossians.  Make a list!)

3.    One of the greatest responsibilities of an ambassador is to represent the political interests of his/her country to the host nation.  Good communication is essential as the host country should understand how the ambassador’s country feels about matters of concern. 

As an Ambassador of Christ, I represent the interests of God’s Kingdom. Good communication is essential, as I need to speak publicly of my country and its concerns.

4.    Ambassadors have many social obligations: weddings, funerals, holiday parties, political events, etc.  To not attend an important event, would be a slight to the host country.

As much as I would like to pull into myself when I feel sad or tired, as an Ambassador of Christ I need to participate in life on earth. It is important that my face be seen.  Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

5.    “An ambassador is also responsible for initiating legal proceedings on behalf of his/her country in the court system of the host country, as well as defending against legal challenges.”

As an Ambassador of Christ, I must pray and take legal proceedings to the courts of Heaven on behalf of God’s Kingdom.

In John 14:7-11, Jesus is frustrated with Philip who asks to see the Father.  Jesus replied that they had seen the Father because they’d seen Him. Jesus was a perfect representation of the Father. He was the greatest Ambassador ever, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into Earth everywhere He went.

We also, as Ambassadors of Christ, should be a representation of Jesus.  It is not of works (exhausting and impossible) but comes out of abiding.

I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

A well-connected branch does not work to produce fruit.  It is a natural process.  When I connect to Jesus and His Word, His life moves through me. 

Peter calls us sojourners and pilgrims; some translations use aliens.  We are passing through. This earth is not our home.

Beloved, I beg you a sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation.1 Peter 2:11-12

I know I’ve presented a lot.  It is essential that we understand that our lives are not our own any longer.  Our lives belong to Him who died for us to purchase us as His holy people.

We have responsibilities and work to do for the Father’s Kingdom in our time on earth, however long it may be. 


Desire Nothing Else


His Kingdom Come