Desire Nothing Else

We have been reading each morning from the Book of Exodus.  An interesting question popped into my mind this morning from Exodus Chapter 33. 

Why did Moses want God to go with them and rejected the Angel that God was willing to send?

It had everything to do with Moses’ relationship with the Almighty. 

So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face,
as a man speaks to his friend…
Exodus 33:11a

This level of intimate relationship with God was found in others from the Bible.

Adam & Eve had it for a time in the garden. Genesis 3:8

Enoch had it. Genesis 5:24

Abraham had it (James 2:23)

Moses had it.

Moses spoke to God as a Friend.

Friendship has a cost.  It takes time.  It takes listening. It takes faithfulness.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.
Matthew 22:37

Seek God, not for what He does, but just to be with Him.

Seek Him, not just His hand (what He does for you), but His face.

When You said, ‘Seek My face,’
my heart said to You,
“Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
Psalm 27:8

He is not merely a custodian to clean the messes we create.  He is the Creator of all, holds everything in His hand, and knows us better than we know ourselves.  Before you proceed in anything, set a moment aside to seek His opinion on the matter. 

Put Him before you and your will in everything.

Be a faithful friend to God.


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