Everything is Possible

We were reading from Luke Chapter 18 the other morning.  Jesus was speaking of how difficult it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Surprised, His listeners asked how anyone could be saved. 

But He (Jesus) said,
“The things which are impossible with men
are possible with God.”
Luke 18:27

Loud and clear, I heard the Holy Spirit say,

“Everything is possible!”

Why does this rephrasing of Scripture resonate?  Because we have this in our pocket,

“If anyone love Me, he will keep My word;
and My Father will love him, and
We will come to him and
make Our home with him.”
John 14:23

So for you who:

Love Jesus + Keep His Word = Have the indwelling of the Father and the Son

We talk often of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, but not of the Father and Son.  We have all of God within us to provide everything we need!

The picture I get when I consider this is a cowboy lassoing a calf and pulling it in.  Through prayer we:

  • Pull in a harvest of souls. 

  • Pull in healings. 

  • Pull in resources. 

  • Pull in through all that is needed to do the assignment we’ve been given.

In prayer, you can ask.  For those things mandated in Scripture, stop asking. You declare them to be because they are yours.

Nobody lands a lasso on the first try.  It takes practice to get it right. 

Start practicing today.




Creation Waits on You