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Janene Rothwell

Janene is a Kansas photographer and writer who loves to play in garden dirt.  Her daughters are amazing mothers and nurses who save lives.  Her affectionate husband is a Jesus-loving, hard metal guitar-playing rocker. She is commonly known as Chicken Grandma to the littles in her family due to her feathered friends.  

Her life has been a whirlwind of adventure which she blames on that moment she asked Jesus into her heart and fell in love with Him so completely that nothing will ever measure up to just being in His presence. Janene has discovered that writing gripping stories about fictional people in challenging circumstances allows her the unique opportunity of sharing over and over again the wonder of a life that is forever altered by His touch.

Recently, Janene has tapped into the courage to be vulnerable through writing non-fiction. I was Deceived tells of how Jesus healed her broken heart. It is more than her own woman-at-the-well story, it is a road map with bread crumbs for those who follow. Through her testimony, many are finding the hope and courage to take a bold step in their own healing adventure.

She has served in Freedom Fighters, a non-profit ministry focused on inner healing and deliverance, since 2017. Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us and through His blood, we are set free! You can find out more about this amazing organization at www.freedomfightershq.org.

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith…Hebrews 12:2

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Navigate the forests and streams of trials with God’s Word.

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